3 Ideas of Freedom Lifestyle Secrets!
3 Ideas of Freedom Lifestyle Secrets!
3 Freedom Fundamentals to help YOU move from Desire and Experience More.
If you could sit down with a blank sheet of paper and write down what your perfect day would be like, given that time and money was not an issue, what would it look like?
I bet spending even one more day of your life in a cubicle working for someone else, busy running around in circles doing the unimportant, and worrying about money would never make it onto this page.
Hi there I’m Hugo Ton the Freedom Master.
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I’m a serial entrepreneur that has written down this perfect day and finally found the way to make it happen…move from desire and achieve the Freedom Lifestyle that I so desire and deserve!
My own perfect day is all about living the Freedom Lifestyle…which means every day being able to: do what you want, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, and as much as you want!
WOW, this has so much power to me.
It is my WHY! It is my PURPOSE!
It is what JUICES me to stay up late and get up early!
It is my ultimate reason to do what I do, follow my passion, do what I love and achieve what I want…the freedom lifestyle!
Over the past number of years, I have succeeded in business a multiple of times, but each time I found that I was never truly happy nor living a freedom lifestyle. In fact, it was quite the opposite, as I have always been a slave to my businesses working huge hours in the day/evening, trading precious time for money.
Soon thereafter I would get exhausted and wished I had never started the businesses in the first place. You want to make sure to avoid these “quality of life – sucking” types of business ventures.
It was only a short 1 year ago when I realized I was missing one distinction about how to be a freedom entrepreneur. I finally realized it’s not all about the money; it is all about the lifestyle.
If you want to live the freedom lifestyle, READ ON…. I will outline some simple tools to start you on your path to freedom.
These three fundamentals are based on my personal grueling experiences and the experiences of the most successful. They work. Try them on for size and let me know what you think and how they expand the freedom in your own life.
Are you ready to awaken your freedom? Let’s Go!
My 3 Freedom Fundamentals to help you move from Desire & Experience More!!!
A big part of my success centered around managing fear, because it can be scary, terrifying even, to follow your dreams. What I do daily is harness that fear and make it work for me instead of against me. I do this by re-examining the situation and change what I am afraid of.
Are you afraid of chasing your dreams or giving your all while striving to achieve something amazing?
Or are you actually afraid of spending the prime of your life working an uninspiring job, and always wondering if you could have done something better?
I know which of those scares me the most, and I bet you’re the same.
If you can flip that fear around and get it working in your favor, it can be a huge motivating factor in your journey of life. I fear more of living a life less lived, not being able to have abundance and freedom as more fearful than taking the uncomfortable action at the moment!
It’s time to move out of your comfort zone on a daily basis…this is where the sweet spice of life is!
With the vast number of choices available to us today in all aspects of our lives, we should enjoy a great deal of freedom. The ironic thing is that we have so many choices in front of us that we are uncertain aboutwhere to focus next. Such confusion is causing us to experience more stress than ever before.
Though we may have accomplished amazing feats, we have not determined how to ensure that we are truly fulfilled in the process.
That’s when I realized I needed to change my way of thinking, to one that caused me to focus on results rather than urgent and non-important tasks at the moment!
Allowing me to associate to my purpose and focus on my passion – so that I not only achieved my goals, but really enjoyed myself in the process.
Time management emerged out of my own quest for the freedom lifestyle and need to juggle effectively and efficiently a number of different companies simultaneously, be an amazing friend, family member and father; maintain peak health and vitality; work a full time job, write books, provide personal coaching; and at the same time lead a happy and fulfilled life.
Time is our most precious commodity, and once spent can never be retrieved. Make sure you have the time available, are spending it on what is important to you. This is critical to living the freedom lifestyle!
I finally learned that my definition of entrepreneurial success was not simply creating a large personal net income; I realized it was about generating a large income that was fun to do, that fed my passion and provided the lifestyle I wanted.
Traditional entrepreneurs usually work far more hours than employees, but once they hit 60 plus hours a week, they start running out of time. And who wants to work that much anyway?
Even if it were possible to work 24 hours a day, at that point you would be at your limit unless you could find a way to separate yourself from the generation of your income.
By becoming a business owner and not an operator you focus on setting up systems in your business so you can work on your business and not in it, you can then focus on developing products and services that create residual income (making money while you sleep).
Building a business around a product/service that is residual in nature is the first way to creating wealth and Wealth = Income + Lifestyle.
And if making a large income is one of your goals, then your business also needs to be based around a product or service that has a very large and universal demand from the majority of the population. Make sure to do your research on what types of businesses can provide this, and choose wisely!
Welcome to Your Freedom Experience!
If you are looking to live a passionate life and create a business that allows you to live the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of click the link below:
I am committed (almost obsessed) with bringing value to your life by sharing top techniques, strategies and even secrets on building your ultimate joy / freedom lifestyle.
Make sure to visit our website at www.freemdomlifestylesecrets.com to check out our products for you and also subscribe to join our community for free weekly tips and tools to help you on your journey to experience more joy and freedom.
We would love to have you join us.
If you know of anyone who could use a bit more joy and freedom in their life, please share this email with them. There is always enough joy and freedom to go around. You never know the impact a random “thinking of you” email/forward could do to brighten someone’s day.
Have a Freedom Filled Abundant Day